Friday 27 February 2015

Wonder essay draft 5

In life making fun of people does not help you (kid being laughed at).  It just makes things worse for you and other people. A boy with a deformed face named Auggie ( a kid with a deformed face), with strong character traits like his perseverance (mucle kid)and  being made fun of.  R.J Palacio Wrote wonder because just like her kids saw a boy with a deformed face.  She does not want us to scream and be scared just like her kids( a kid that is scared).  R.J Palacio at least wants us to not judge someone by what they look like, she wants us to talk to them first at least say hi(kid saying hi).   I think Wonder by R.J palacio is about the power of perseverance can help people get through hard times. (cant get passed this wall)       

               Throughout the story kids make fun of his face like the character Julian, who started a war with Auggie.(kid staring at each other in a mad face)  It’s if you touch him you get the plague( a kid with a decease) .  A lot of people were on Julian side, and only some on Auggie's side.  Most girls were on both sides.  Auggie didn't really care and got used(a kid ignoring another kid) to it than the other kids started to get closer to Auggie after 2/3 months(kids coming friends with a kid with a deformed face).  That shows that he has very good perseverance and does not care what other people say and just keeps driving.(kid running)      

Later in the story, Auggie went on a field trip to a nature center and stayed there for 3 days(kid sleeping in cabin in a forest).  At the end of day 3 they watched a movie outside on a huge screen(kids watching a movie outside ON A HUGE SCREEN). Jack had to go the bathroom and the line to the bathroom was long so they went into the forest.(kid behind a tree) After they were done and they ran into some 7th and 8th graders.(small kids against big kids) The 7th and 8th graders shined a flash light on Auggie and they screamed “Monster!)”  and the 7th and 8th graders tried to beat up Auggie, Jack and few(kids shining a flash ona kid with a deformed face other kids (named Miles, Amos and Henry)(older kids running after younger kids).   This makes Auggie feel different.( a kid depressed)  Then the 7th and 8th graders started chasing them and after they ran away Auggie even made two new friends that were mean to him before (Miles and Henry and a little bit Amos).( little kids fighting back)  They could not find their way back because it was so dark.(kids lostWhen they got back and they could see Auggie saw that the 7th and 8th graders took off his hearing aids.          

By the end of the story Auggie won the Henry ward Beecher medal for being a really good friend. (kid winning award) “Using his quiet strength” to lift up kid’s hearts and his perseverance.  "I started paying attention, for real now, to what he was saying." “The strength of one’s courage" he repeated quietly, nodding (mucle man)and smiling".  Auggie really started paying attention to what Mr. Tushman was saying.  All the kids cheered for him when he went up to the stage everybody liked him because he was a good friend (Kid being surrounded by kids)accept Julian of course still didn't like Auggie and at least Julian went to a different school. ( kid walking away)

Now, as I think about the power of perseverance, I realize that the power of perseverance can help people get through stuff you cant do. but when you use the power of perseverance you can do anything.  (superman)

Thursday 12 February 2015

Words for Weirdos!

1. crackpot


3.nut case


5.odd bird

6.strange bird




10.three-dollar bill

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Good Mythical Morining!

I love Good Mythical Morning!  It can be funny Ret is the funniest I like him better than link.  Here is my favorite Good Mythical Morning.  You guys got to watch the you tube series! 

Wonder Essay draft 4

Iof perseverance you can do anything.
n life making fun of people does not help you.  It just makes things worse for you and other people. A boy with a deformed face named Auggie, with strong character traits like his perseverance being made fun of.  R.J Palacio Wrote wonder because just like her kids saw a boy with a deformed face.  She does not want us to scream and be scared just like her kids.  R.J Palacio at least wants us to not judge someone by what they look like, she wants us to talk to them first at least say hi.   I think Wonder by R.J palacio is about the power of perseverance can help people get through hard times.        

               Throughout the story kids make fun of his face like the character Julian, who started a war with Auggie. It’s if you touch him you get the plague.  A lot of people were on Julian side, and only some on Auggie's side.  Most girls were on both sides.  Auggie didn't really care and got used to it than the other kids started to get closer to Auggie after 2/3 months.  That shows that he has very good perseverance and does not care what other people say and just keeps driving.       

Later in the story, Auggie went on a field trip to a nature center and stayed there for 3 days.  At the end of day 3 they watched a movie outside on a huge screen. Jack had to go the bathroom and the line to the bathroom was long so they went into the forest.  After they were done and they ran into some 7th and 8th graders. The 7th and 8th graders shined a flash light on Auggie and they screamed “Monster!”  and the 7th and 8th graders tried to beat up Auggie, Jack and few other kids (named Miles, Amos and Henry).   This makes Auggie feel different.  Then the 7th and 8th graders started chasing them and after they ran away Auggie even made two new friends that were mean to him before (Miles and Henry and a little bit Amos).  They could not find their way back because it was so dark.  When they got back and they could see Auggie saw that the 7th and 8th graders took off his hearing aids.          

By the end of the story Auggie won the Henry ward Beecher medal for being a really good friend.  “Using his quiet strength” to lift up kid’s hearts and his perseverance.  "I started paying attention, for real now, to what he was saying." “The strength of one’s courage" he repeated quietly, nodding and smiling".  Auggie really started paying attention to what Mr. Tushman was saying.  All the kids cheered for him when he went up to the stage everybody liked him because he was a good friend accept Julian of course still didn't like Auggie and at least Julian went to a different school. 

Now, as I think about the power of perseverance, I realize that the power of perseverance can help people get through stuff you cant do but when you use the power

Thursday 5 February 2015

Words for Nerds!!

What are the words used for nerds?

1.  dweeb
2. geek
3. wonk
4. dork
5. goober
6. square
7. dolt
8. propeller head
9. egghead

Some famous examples of nerds are Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Mark Zuckerberg, and my friend, John.               

Wednesday 4 February 2015

The Run 2 (Chapter 5 Training Day 2.0)

It was the new S.M.F team's second training day with W.O.L.F.  "OK, this training day, I will give you a gadget and you are going to practice with it.  The gadget that I am going to give you is rocket boots!  I will be on the other side of the lake and by the way, they are water proof.  Good luck!  Oh yea... I forgot to tell you...the winner gets a new gadget!"  said W.O.L.F.  "You guys are going down!" John screamed.  "On your mark....get set....go!" yelled W.O.L.F.  They all turned their rocket boots on.  Quentin seemed to get the hang of it super fast and the same with John.  Mike was doing decent but Jude was failing...BADLY.  John was vicious...he was bumping Quentin so much but Quentin was refusing to lose his balance.  Mike came out of nowhere and grabbed Quentin's foot and Quentin's head hit John's leg and John went flying to the side of the river into a forest.  Mike let go of Quentin's foot because fire from Quentin's rocket boots was flying in his face and Mike then lost his balance and fell into the river.  Quentin spun around and Jude finally flew past Quentin like a bolt of lightning.  Quentin thought for sure that Jude was gonna win but Quentin started up again anyways.  Jude was super close to the finish line but Mike bolted of the water and shoved Jude out of the way.  He went flying but then Quentin grabbed Mike's foot and John then bolted out of the forest and went flying past Mike's face.  In that little moment, Mike felt a little spark on his face and John looked back in glory. 

Wonder Essay draft 3

In life making fun of people does not help you.  It just makes things worse for you and other people. A boy with a deformed face named Auggie, with strong character traits like his perseverance being made fun of.  R.J Palacio Wrote wonder because just like her kids saw a boy with a deformed face.  She does not want us to scream and be scared just like her kids.  R.J Palacio at least wants us to not judge someone by what they look like, she wants us to talk to them first at least say hi.   This book is a very inspirational book to me if you read it you might think that too.       

               Throughout the story kids make fun of his face like the character Julian, who started a war with Auggie. It’s if you touch him you get the plague.  A lot of people were on Julian side, and only some on Auggie's side.  Most girls were on both sides.  Auggie didn't really care and got used to it than the other kids started to get closer to Auggie after 2/3 months.  That shows that he has very good perseverance and does not care what other people say and just keeps driving.       

Later in the story, Auggie went on a field trip to a nature center and stayed there for 3 days.  At the end of day 3 they watched a movie outside on a huge screen. Jack had to go the bathroom and the line to the bathroom was long so they went into the forest.  After they were done and they ran into some 7th and 8th graders. The 7th and 8th graders shined a flash light on Auggie and they screamed “Monster!”  and the 7th and 8th graders tried to beat up Auggie, Jack and few other kids (named Miles, Amos and Henry).   This makes Auggie feel different.  Then the 7th and 8th graders started chasing them and after they ran away Auggie even made two new friends that were mean to him before (Miles and Henry and a little bit Amos).  They could not find their way back because it was so dark.  When they got back and they could see Auggie saw that the 7th and 8th graders took off his hearing aids.         

By the end of the story Auggie won the Henry ward Beecher medal for being a really good friend.  “Using his quiet strength” to lift up kid’s hearts and his perseverance.  "I started paying attention, for real now, to what he was saying." “The strength of one’s courage" he repeated quietly, nodding and smiling".  Auggie really started paying attention to what Mr. Tushman was saying.  All the kids cheered for him when he went up to the stage everybody liked him because he was a good friend accept Julian of course still didn't like Auggie and at least Julian went to a different school.